October 6, 2012

Taylor Swift Begin Again Cover

I'm such a freak...omg....


September 2, 2012

August 27, 2012

I'm In Love: Louboutins

Just look at this masterpiece.....One day I will have these.....

I'm just drooling looking at these pictures....do you guys have Christain Louboutins? Rumor is they're opening up a store in Chicago on Oak Street...maybe there will be a shoe signing with the designer!!! I'll be there!

Ali Parker

August 18, 2012

I Got A Facial!

Hey everyone! So I have been wondering what to blog about and I just recently went and got a facial done so I figured why not blog about that experience!

August 9, 2012


Hey everyone! Sorry for not really posting I've been working everyday and I'm just trying to spend the time I have left with my friends before we all go to college. I was actually thinking and I was wondering maybe I should start a YouTube channel where I can post fun videos or tutorials or cooking videos, what do you think? I'm thinking it'll be really cool! Just a bunch of funny stuff that comes into my head. I could do follow me around videos and a day with my friends where I just leave the camera running.  Tell me what you guys think!!!

July 24, 2012

College/Pretty Little Liars/Teen Wolf Ramble

If you follow my blog you would know that I graduated high school this May and that I'm going to college here in a couple of weeks. Well thing is I am sooo not prepared! It's a bit scary knowing that this is the beginning of the rest of my life and I really don't want to mess it up.

July 13, 2012

France: Getting There

Hey! It has been over a month since I traveled to France and I am going to do a little blog series on my trip and I'll try doing a post base on the number of days I was there, so I was there for ten days and I'll do about ten posts, plus/minus a few depending on if I think it is necessary to add more information!


Hey everyone! These past couple weeks have been so hectic for me. I literally haven't had a chance to sit down, well okay maybe I have....but not nearly enough for me to relax. As you know I got back from France a few weeks ago and after that I have been working every single day and on top of that I'm taking some college classes. Needless to say I have been crazy busy! I also know that I promised a post about France and I am working on it! It is definitely taking a lot longer than I had hoped and I'm not sure yet on how I would like to format it, so if you have any suggestions I would love it if you would tell me!

June 25, 2012

Diary of a Shopaholic

Dear Diary,
Where do I even begin? Oh yeah...at the part where I spend every single day of my life spending money. Why is it I have to buy everything I see? Did I really need that new swimsuit? No! I have a drawer full of swimsuits that I don't wear. It seems as though lately I have a hit an all time low and I spend like crazy.

June 20, 2012

Back from France!

Hey everyone, just a quick update. I am officially back from my vacation and I am not longer jet-lagged! Wahooo!!!! I'm going to write a longer post about everything later because I just wanted to do a super quick update right now. Peace out and stayed tuned for more info about my trip!!


May 23, 2012

iPhone Swag

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted for a little, these last few weeks have been very hectic since they're my last weeks of high school!! Ahhh! Haha so I've been busy "studying" for finals and just spending a lot of time with my friends and making it last.  I was actually at the park messing around with my friends when something awful happened. What was this awful thing??? I broke my phone!

May 3, 2012


Yes I am going to dedicate an entire blog post on a fruit. Why? Because I really enjoy eating bananas. Matter of fact I just ate one and the banana peel is laying next to me. Mmmm...yumm! I know bananas are good for you but I personally wanted to know more, such as what exactly do they do for you? Good question right? Yes! I'm sure many of you are just as unaware as I am about the health benefits so I went ahead and did some research and I'm going to tell you more about bananas. Sorry for the poor web cam quality photo!

Bananas are full of vitamins and minerals that provide natural and healthy energy. So instead of eating a chocolate bar or downing a cup of coffee, eat a banana! Eating two bananas will give you enough energy to workout for almost an hour and a half, oh my! They have a chemical called tryptophan that helps regulate your moods and keep you happy. GIRLS-bananas help you period pains!! Hungover? Eat a banana, it will calm your stomach. They prevent high blood pressure and help keep your eyesight as you get older. STRONG BONES!  I know some people like mushy bananas but I personally like buying them when they are still a little green, this is because I do not like soft fruit, but of course this is a personal preference.  Please don't eat too many bananas, my daddy did this once when he was a little boy and he still gets nauseous when he's around them!

Websites used:

April 29, 2012

MAC Foundation

Hey everyone! So the other day I was shopping at the mall with one of my best friend and we stopped by the MAC store...(makeup not Apple!).  I have never really purchased anything from them just because I think it's a little expensive and I want to be absolutely 100% sure it'll work for me before I get it and I usually just end up getting products from Sephora.  Well anyway, I was looking at their foundations and realized that they are cheaper than what I use. So it got me thinking, maybe I should try it? What do you guys think? I should probably go online and do some more research before I buy any but I really want to try it! Plus it's MAC...the make-up God!

April 22, 2012

Pinterest and Skinnytaste

Hey everyone so lately I have been obsessing over Pinterest. Well okay, who hasn't? If you don't know what Pinterest is its best to avoid it because you will become.......ADDICTED.....haha just kidding!

Basically what Pinterest is, is a website (duh!) with pictures that you can post and pin that you like.  There are different categories such as Hair and Beauty, Cars, Fitness, Travel, Architecture, Food, etc, etc, etc.  Well one day at school I was hungry and bored so I went ahead and logged on and went straight to the food category.  I was drooling and pinning recipes that I wanted to make and I came across one recipe that had a link to skinnytaste.com. Naturally I clicked on it because it had both skinny and taste in it, I mean who doesn't want to be skinny while eating tasteful food? Well what I didn't know was that this website is AMAZING! It has sooo many different recipes that range from breakfast to dinner to dessert to drinks to whatever you may think off! Best of all it has step by step pictures as well as instructions and ingredient lists and a place where others may comment and talk about the recipe.  I think I've written down 90% of those recipes into a I NEED TO TRY list. EVERONE needs to visit this website, It's incredible! I can't even put into words how nice it is and how in love I am with it!  Here's the direct link to it Skinnytaste.

I hope everyone has a great week and until next time!

April 21, 2012

Little About Me

The other day I was thinking hmmm...I should do some for of those TAG type blog posts.  It is where one person answers questions or something and then tags everyone else to do it and they do the same thing but differently....That isn't a good explanation but they have them all over Youtube and I did it with the iPod Shuffle Game. But anyway I was trying to find something and I found a quick one where you learn a little more about someone and I thought you all would enjoy it! In this one you answer the question by adding a photo from Google Images, so here it goes and I hope you enjoy it!

1. Age On Your Next Birthday

2. Place I Would Like to Visit 

3. Favorite Place


4. Favorite Object 

5. Favorite Food   (Anything from Noodles)

6. Favorite Color 

7. Favorite Animal

8. Name of Past Pet  - Kapa

And this is where I got really bored and annoyed and decided to stop showing photos and just type it out!

9. Where I Live -USA
10. 1st Grade Teacher- Mrs. Cooper
11. Bad Habit - Biting Nails and Picking Split Ends
12. College Major - Premed
13. Favorite Holiday- Christmas

I am quite the slacker! Check in soon for another post!

I'm Back! (Another Sorry, and Promise)

I do not know what happened but I just got sooo busy with personal stuff such as school and friends and family that I didn't have time to write on here! This is all about to change. I have some exciting things planned for this blog that I can't wait to work on! Here's a little "insider scoop" you may call it of what I'm planning. First! I want to change the format and colors and just the appearance of the site.  Blog about fun stuff like food recipes, and places to travel, and fun activities you can do! Anyway that's all I'm saying for now! Haha don't forget to follow me on Twitter @AliParker16
